Thursday, October 13, 2005

Cleaning Flood-damaged Homes

Guide to cleaning flood-damaged homes from LSU Cooperative Extension.

Residents of the Lower 9th Ward let in yesterday -- this is one of the worst-hit places in NO - interestingly some of the older houses on piers look like the external structure is salvageable, although I doubt the city will let them be salvaged.

A lot of older houses in New Orleans were built from flatboats that were floated down the river carrying farm produce, because it just wasn't economical to go back up the river in them. That style house, long and narrow, all wood, seems to have been the type that survived.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My mother's house in Bay St. Louis was flooded with about 7 feet of salt water from the storm surge (about 8 miles inland, house 20 feet above normal water level). Luckily, only a few people died in that immediate neighborhood. I downloaded WWW house cleaning instructions from FEMA and used them while spending 7 days tearing the walls apart of the 1st floor to get the wet salty insulation out. A local blog provided details on shelters, food, gas, etc. FEMA was great about picking up trash, but took forever to cover the roof damage.

--- Steve Johnston (Houston, TX; who knew Ilaine in BR)